When I decided to start my custody case, I was already familiar with the Zaunegger case, involving a father seeking joint custody for his daughter born out of wedlock. Tragically, Zaunegger was dismissed at every level of the German judicial system, culminating in a final appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. Justice was indeed served there, but a glance at the timeline reveals a distressing fact: the case was initiated when his daughter was merely 3 years old and concluded just before her 18th birthday. This is an unfortunate mark against justice. Zaunegger’s case holds significant importance for single fathers in Germany post-2010, who owe him a debt of gratitude. Quite simply, Zaunegger pursued his case to the European Court not for his own sake – he was aware his personal battle was over – but to challenge and change the German stereotype favoring female exclusivity in parenthood. My respect goes out to Mr. Zaunegger for his dedication and perseverance.